Presidential Debate 2012


The second round of the Presidential Debates proved to be heated and revealing of character: a recipe for hilarity. Both President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney were at neck with each other, cutting each other off to get the last word in the debate. Obama tried to seem as “keeping his cool” and Romney seemingly didn’t care – he continually cut off the moderator, talked over Obama and couldn’t seem to keep his seat.. Or cool.

In the heat of it, the tone of formality plummeted like a curtain, revealing a platform for each candidate to just say the wrong things, particularly Mitt Romney.

On China:

While both candidates agree that China doesn’t play by the rules, Romney took the initiative to say, “now, we’re going to have to make sure that as we trade with other nations that they play by the rules. And China hasn’t.” He reiterated “China has been a currency manipulator for years and years and years.”

Please state, Governor, for how long again? Yes, Mitt Romney went there.

On Ak-47s:

When asked what each administration would do to keep AK-47s out of the hands of criminals, Romney just couldn’t help but to strike again!

“We need moms and dads, helping to raise kids. Wherever possible the — the benefit of having two parents in the home, and that’s not always possible. A lot of great single moms, single dads. But gosh to tell our kids that before they have babies, they ought to think about getting married to someone, that’s a great idea.”

Romney plans to cut Planned Parenthood and is equating single parenthood with violence. Uh-oh.

On Bush:

When Susan Katz asked Governor Romney what the difference between himself and President Bush is, he immediately dived into a pool without water; he didn’t even try to answer the question.

“Thank you. And I appreciate that question. I just want to make sure that, I think I was supposed to get that last answer, but I want to point out that that I don’t believe…”

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