Vice Presidential Debate 2012

The 2012 Vice Presidential debate gave the power back to the Democratic party with Democratic V.P. Joe Biden setting the record straight: “that’s a bunch of malarkey.”

When asked by moderator Martha Raddatz why that is so, Biden answered “because not a single thing he said is accurate.”

The debate heated over the opponents’ challenge to each others facts — ultimately allowing the vast differences between each party’s vision for the nation’s future bleed on to the television screen.

Republican Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan repeatedly asserted that the Obama administration has driven the country in the wrong direction in regards to the slow recovery of the economy and how the U.S. handles foreign affairs and defense.

Ryan also reiterated that the nation should not have to apologize, but rather stand up for its values

“What we should not be doing is saying to the Egyptian people, while Mubarak is cracking down on them, that he’s a good guy and then the next week say he ought to go. What we should not be doing is rejecting claims for — calls for more security in our barracks, in our Marine — we need Marines in Benghazi when the commander on the ground says we need more forces for security,” said Ryan.

Biden sat smug with a glare or amidst a chuckle.

This stands in stark contrast from when President Obama, looking weary and tired, allowed Republican opponent Mitt Romney take the wheel during the debate, steering the vote to the favor of the Republican party.

The Vice Presidential face off helped install faith back in the Democratic party and the ticket to win this election.

The next Presidential election is on Tuesday Oct. 16.

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